Mahindra India has finally launched the Bolero Neo+ in the country. This three-row SUV comes in two variants, starting at a base price of Rs. 11.39 lakh (ex-showroom). Opting for the nine-seater version with a 2-3-4 layout adds to the versatility. The Mahindra Bolero Neo+ is offered in two trim levels: P4 and P10, priced at Rs. 11.39 lakh and Rs. 12.49 lakh, respectively (all prices, ex-showroom).
Compared to its seven-seater counterpart, the Neo+ carries a premium of Rs. 1.49 lakh and Rs. 1 lakh for the respective variants. When it comes to colors, buyers can choose from three exterior paint options: Napoli Black, Majestic Silver, and Diamond White. Inside, the Bolero Neo+ offers a premium Italian interiors, a nine-inch infotainment system, and connectivity features like Bluetooth and USB.
Under the hood, the Mahindra Bolero Neo+ comes equipped with a brand-new 2.2-litre mHawk diesel engine, paired with a six-speed manual gearbox. This robust diesel powertrain delivers power to the rear wheels and offers impressive figures: 118bhp of power and 280Nm of torque. In comparison, the standard Bolero Neo is fitted with a 1.5-litre diesel engine, which generates slightly lower figures of 100bhp and 260Nm of torque.
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